Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Year of the Woman
Considering the Olympic Games come around every two years, you wouldn't think I'd have enough time to forget how completely obsessed with them I am. So far, I've downloaded both iPhone apps [yes, as in two] and my DVR is already approaching half full with the show's I normally love but am currently ignoring. My corner of the world has no time for anything that's not on NBC or Bravo lately. I was absolutely shocked to learn that this Olympics marks the first time in history that every single competing country has sent at least one female athlete. Saudi Arabia, Brunei, and Qatar all sent women to this Olympic Games for the first time in history. Below are some of my favorite photos of women-in-action from what is being dubbed the "London Games: the year of the woman"
Monday, July 30, 2012
A Perfect Fit [-ting Room]
Has it truly taken us two thousand and twelve years after Christ to come up with this brilliant idea?
And in T.J. Maxx, of all places. I've done exactly this in every dressing room I've ever gone in, since I was old enough to buy my own clothes. I could never understand why stores would give you two hooks or worse, one bar to hang your clothes on. Doesn't everybody sort their clothes in fitting rooms in this way? Granted, my word choices to describe my piles aren't as elegant or polite - typically ranging from Mama looks gooood to For the love of all things holy, NO but the concept is the same. But I'll tell you, it's much easier this way. Particularly in a store like T.J. Maxx, where you walk in the fitting room with so many things [the one by me actually has tickets that say 16]
Here's to hoping the rest of the world catches up soon.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Weekend Book Review: Fifty Shades Trilogy
My, my, my.
After this past week I understand the intrigue. I never thought of myself as a naive person, but there is an entire world that exists out there that I know absolutely nothing about. While I'm still standing strong in the oh-hell-no corner, my curiosity about all this is sky-high. How positively interesting would it be for people choosing to live this lifestyle to come out and share their stories [TLC? I smell a new series...]
But back to the books. First of all, I can see what people are saying about the writing. I'm no expert, and my verbal SAT score is nothing to write home about, but it almost seemed like the author was trying so hard to be impressive in her vocabulary, she didn't put the necessary thought into the context in which the words were being used. The sentence flow was awkward but at least consistent; by the third book I wasn't even blinking twice at the seemingly odd ways she chose to use words like mercurial and beguile. That said, I want to know how many people actually picked up on the semantics here because there was much to distract a reader away from all that. I personally know a number of people who read Fifty Shades of Grey, despised it, and moved on to greener pastures. To them I say, I agree with you on the former, not the latter. I truly hated Fifty Shades of Grey, the first book in the trilogy, to the point where I probably wouldn't have kept reading the series had I not promised it to the world in writing last week.
People, you got to keep reading. Huge improvements are headed your way in book two and three. Major questions are answered, and I actually stopped hating Christian Grey. Is E.L. James the next literary great? No. But it's a fun read. And there's something about the fact that it's making headlines for being the first of it's kind that's got me feeling all school-girl-giddy inside. [Case in point: I sat around the other night discussing the trilogy with my mother, grandmother, aunt, and uncle. Three generations discussing BDSM at length over dinner; There's hope for us yet.]
I believe the expression all's well that ends well, specifically true for books. What E.L. James did at the end of book three was genius, in my opinion. If you plan on reading the series, make it a priority to read all three books in quick succession and I promise you, by the end of book three, you'll go back and reread book one.
I did.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Red Soles and a Yellow Sponge
Tuesday's trip to the city was as unexpected as it was fun. Three different family members had appointments with two different doctors [nothing serious, all is well] and some members of my family [mom and yours truly] were simply looking for an excuse to shop and go out to lunch. The doctor appointments were in the direct middle of the day, of course, so we spent the morning doing the things us grown-ups wanted to do [like this] and the afternoon hitting up the items on the kids list.
To summarize, my morning looked like this:
Notice Vince in the reflection too. In. Heaven. |
While my afternoon looked like this:
So I may not have had time to make it into Bloomie's but I have to admit, the Ferris Wheel in Toys R' Us is pretty fun. Just saying.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
On My Wishlist: Hats
I took an unexpected trip into Manhattan yesterday and, according to the world of fashion, fall has arrived. Why this surprises me is anybody's guess and yet I still find myself surprisingly sad. Not to say fall isn't bringing some fantastic things our way [think tweed, plaid, leather and oh I'm sorry Donna Karan but is that a popped collar you're bringing back, girlfriend?] but it's July and I'm a teacher so just saying the word fall is enough to give me hives. Lucky for me, as the fashion world gets ready to take on the fall lines, their summer lines are on major markdown.
*National Hat Month was invented by yours truly in order to justify the purchasing of multiple hats. Join me. It's going to be a great tradition.
Enter Joe Fresh.
Ladies, Gentleman, Readers of all ages. Lend me your ears, your eyes, your bank accounts. If you are coming at me from New York, Canada, or Bridgewater, NJ then apparently what I'm about to say is old news. For the rest of us, there exists this wonder-of-wonders in three sections of north america where honest-to-goodness quality clothing can be purchased without breaking the bank. For the next week or so, while they are trying to get rid of their summer line, you can all but steal the clothes right off the racks. I'm talking price tags in the single digits, people. Before this week, I was the proud owner of exactly one hat. A cute little straw fedora that I wore every day for like two weeks straight and now it's...somewhere in my car. Or maybe it was my closet. But I realized Tuesday that when hats are less than $9, and you weigh in the benefit of protection it offers your face from the sun, combined with the fact that August is National Hat Month...how could you not? Right?
In honor of this new holiday, here are a few hats worth...well, worth tipping your hat to.
Perfect beach hat
Casual straw or formal linen? Both, please
Bigger is better, I always say. Classic black or fun coral
My version of the perfect hat
In honor of this new holiday, here are a few hats worth...well, worth tipping your hat to.
Perfect beach hat
Casual straw or formal linen? Both, please
Bigger is better, I always say. Classic black or fun coral
My version of the perfect hat
*National Hat Month was invented by yours truly in order to justify the purchasing of multiple hats. Join me. It's going to be a great tradition.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Weekend Book Review: Stay Tuned?
When I came up with the idea to do a weekend book review it stemmed from the many questions I get from family members and friends for good books. Everyone has a release, or a way to de-stress. For some it's cleaning, or exercising, or distracting themselves with a DIY project. And while any of those would probably be more beneficial to my home, my body, or my blog [respectively], I don't do any of those things...I read. Often. Particularly in the summer months when I'm not working. And, unlike a few other avid readers that I know, I don't discriminate. I adore the classics [Catcher In The Rye is one of my favorites; I read it every winter], but I equally love the light-hearted beach reads [anything by Emily Giffin and Madeleine Wickham is a must]. But if there is one series I have avoided like the plague it's the Fifty Shades trilogy. I heard the writing is horrible, but honestly when did everyone get so snobby about writing? We read the National Enquirer and Star Magazine but jump on our literary pedestals over this series? I also heard it's catered to the lonely-housewife demographic. We will flock to the movies in droves to publicly watch Channing Tatum strip for an hour and a half [no judgement. I haven't yet, but I would] but reading Fifty Shades in the privacy of our own homes makes us lonely housewives? These arguments really make me feel bad for men. I'm a woman and I don't understand us sometimes.
I can't come up with a reason I can understand for why I wouldn't read this series. I bought them, all three of them, but I can't seem to pick them up and start reading. But that's my goal for this week. I'll read them [I promise], with a full report next week. Anyone want to read them with me? We can be lonely housewives together.
Enjoy the weekend - and happy reading!
I can't come up with a reason I can understand for why I wouldn't read this series. I bought them, all three of them, but I can't seem to pick them up and start reading. But that's my goal for this week. I'll read them [I promise], with a full report next week. Anyone want to read them with me? We can be lonely housewives together.
Enjoy the weekend - and happy reading!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Keep Smilin'
Let me just tell you - buying a house is hard. When I started this debacle [because that's what it is, a debacle] everyone was all how-exciting! and oh-good-for-you! and, this is the best one, how-fun!
If you're buying a home, and someone says to you how fun immediately leave the conversation. More than likely, you're talking to a masochist*. And yet, I remain calm. Because I appreciate everyone's kind sentiments, their words of encouragement, and helpful advice along the way [even if none of it works...] Sometimes all you need is a good internet video [or picture] to keep you smiling. Below are a few of my favorite links that can always make me laugh. If you, like me, need a little pick me up this Wednesday morning, please enjoy. My treat.
I love this man, and his shoes.
This is a lot funnier if you pretend it's a joke.
[Country, how could you have let yourself go like this?]
Horribly inappropriate but it gets me every time.
How many douvres did that horse have?
Been there, done that.
*while writing this post I had to check the definition for masochist and sadist, as I always confuse the two. [My sincerest apologies for not being up to date on my terms of sexual deviancy. I've yet to read Fifty Shades.] Definition of a Masochist: a person who finds pleasure in self-denial. Yup, found what I was looking for.
If you're buying a home, and someone says to you how fun immediately leave the conversation. More than likely, you're talking to a masochist*. And yet, I remain calm. Because I appreciate everyone's kind sentiments, their words of encouragement, and helpful advice along the way [even if none of it works...] Sometimes all you need is a good internet video [or picture] to keep you smiling. Below are a few of my favorite links that can always make me laugh. If you, like me, need a little pick me up this Wednesday morning, please enjoy. My treat.
I love this man, and his shoes.
This is a lot funnier if you pretend it's a joke.
[Country, how could you have let yourself go like this?]
Horribly inappropriate but it gets me every time.
How many douvres did that horse have?
Been there, done that.
*while writing this post I had to check the definition for masochist and sadist, as I always confuse the two. [My sincerest apologies for not being up to date on my terms of sexual deviancy. I've yet to read Fifty Shades.] Definition of a Masochist: a person who finds pleasure in self-denial. Yup, found what I was looking for.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Weekend Book Review: Night Circus
As is fitting for a weekend that begins on Friday the thirteenth and calls for thunderstorms, my book du jour this week [so it that a book du semaine, then?] is Night Circus. It takes place at the turn-of-the-century, at a circus that opens at sunset and closes at dawn. It's got dueling magicians, a well-meaning but stubborn ghost, and just enough of a love story to set up camp under the summer beach read umbrella. And what's better, it's a Target Book Club pick for the month of July, meaning its twelve dollars and available at any Target store.
Enjoy the weekend - and happy reading!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Mission Possible
Follow Mission Possible as they chronicle Mike's journey to walk again after a diving accident in 2001 left him paralyzed from the waist down. [And if these pictures leave you saying, hot damn that's a good looking guy...well, what can I say? It's in the genes.]
Whew! that's a lot of links!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
On My Wishlist: Swimsuits
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I love the detail the ruffles bring, without the use of a pattern or color change. And for small busted girls, like yours truly, those ruffles can add a little something-something. Found here |
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Filed permanently away in the Will-Madly-Lust-After-But-Never-Buy drawer I haven't quite figured out if it's the long torso or the long legs [or maybe it's both] that are prerequisites to the pinup look but whatever it is, I don't have it. Madly in love, and green with envy of those who can pull it off. Found here |
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Mixing prints [like this, this and, dear lord, this] in the water somehow seems less risky, not to mention exponentially easier, than doing so on land. This would be a fun way to ease oneself into the trend. Found here |
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
A Month & A Day
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All pictures captured by the fantastic elisabeth millay. |
Monday, July 9, 2012
Trending: Ombre Nails
And here I thought I was so creative and original! I’ve since seen this idea on another blog, as well as in a magazine [or so I hear…I haven’t seen the magazine myself yet] But in both places, the ombre was done pink-to-orange [which I love] so I will continue to think of myself as original and creative with my blue-to-green nails. This look brings me back to that time when I was six years old, and finally allowed to wear nail polish, so I painted each nail a different color. Doesn't this look like a more grown-up, sophisticated version of that childhood moment? [Am I alone in that memory? I feel as though it is a rite-of-passage for every girl; A self-initiation, of sorts, into the wonderful, colorful world of nail polish.] To me, it’s what summer is all about: exploring your inner child and letting your hair down [theoretically, of course. If you’re living local than you know the heat in these parts has not made wearing your hair down even an option lately]. And if you make subtle enough changes nail to nail, dark pink to light pink for example, it can even be an office friendly way to celebrate summer.
The colors from left to right 1. L'Oreal Jet Set to Paris 2. Funky Fingers Volts 3. Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Blue Me Away 4. Sinful Colors Green 5. Essie Turquoise & Caicos |
Friday, July 6, 2012
Weekend Book Review: Expecting Adam
This is not
your typical light-hearted beach read but it stayed with me long after I
finished reading the last page. As an educator, I was shocked to read about the
mindsets of my peers from not that long ago – Adam is very close to my own age.
Although the topic is serious, there’s a refreshing honesty to the memoir that
makes it the perfect companion to the salt air, the beach chair, and the sand
beneath your toes.
Enjoy the weekend - and happy reading!
Enjoy the weekend - and happy reading!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
First of the Season
Hooray for the first sunflowers of the season! I'm not typically a big flower person [given the choice, I'd take chocolates and a pedicure any day of the week] but something about these plants make me so happy. Maybe it's because I watched weeks ago as my father and younger sister planted the seeds and now they're over seven feet tall. Maybe it's because they remind me a little of myself - happiest in the hot weather, with the sun shining on them. Ever since getting engaged I though I'd have a "flower-less" wedding but seeing these guys in my backyard might just change my mind yet...
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy 4th!
Here’s to
hot dogs and cold beer.
To ice cream
cake and laughter.
Here’s to boat
rides and cannonballs.
To good
music, and good friends.
[Not So] Smooth Sailing
I found this
quote over at Just B and it has really resonated with me. I feel that often in life, hard times or stressful situations are viewed as things to “get
through”, and this quote explores the idea of viewing them as meaningful, instructional
times in your life. With a few stressful situations of my own going on, it is
certainly a calming idea, and one I’m going to be embracing during the next few
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